路易斯安那州政府。 在ISIS卡车袭击造成15人死亡后,Jeff Landry为在外餐厅吃饭而面对反弹。 Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry faces backlash for dining out post after ISIS truck attack killed 15.
路易斯安那州州长杰夫·兰德里(Jeff Landry)因在新奥尔良一家牛排店内张贴一张照片遭到批评, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry faced criticism for posting a photo of himself dining at a steakhouse in New Orleans just hours after a deadly truck attack that killed 15 and injured dozens. 批评者指责兰德里麻木不仁,而他则为该帖子辩护,称其表明了这座城市的韧性。 Critics accused Landry of being insensitive, while he defended the post as a statement of the city's resilience. 这次袭击与伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国有关,涉及一辆卡车在Bourbon街驶入人群。 The attack, linked to ISIS, involved a truck driven into crowds on Bourbon Street.