堪萨斯男子因谋杀和虐待儿童而被捕,因为他3个月大的女儿于12月29日死亡。 Kansas man arrested for murder and child abuse after his three-month-old daughter died on December 29.
William McLaughlin, 23岁,来自堪萨斯州贝勒维尔,12月29日3个月的女儿去世后,因一级谋杀罪和严重虐待儿童罪被捕。 William McLaughlin, a 23-year-old from Belleville, Kansas, was arrested for first-degree murder and felony child abuse after his three-month-old daughter died on December 29. 这名婴儿最初在圣诞节时被送往医院,伤势严重,后来在Omaha被宣布死亡。 The infant was initially taken to a hospital on Christmas Day with fatal injuries and was later declared dead in Omaha. 堪萨斯调查局正在领导对涉嫌虐待案件的调查。 The Kansas Bureau of Investigation is leading the investigation into the suspected abuse case.