Wendy Bailey,失踪的Kahleb Collins的母亲,因女儿死亡和被控虐待而被捕。 Wendy Bailey, mother of missing Kahleb Collins, arrested for her daughter's death and alleged abuse.
1岁失踪的Kahleb Collins的母亲Wendy Bailey被逮捕并被指控犯有多重重罪,包括严重虐待儿童、一级家庭暴力、虐待尸体、与她女儿Ryleigh在车祸中死亡有关的过失杀人罪。 Wendy Bailey, the mother of missing 1-year-old Kahleb Collins, has been arrested and charged with multiple felonies including aggravated child abuse, first-degree domestic violence, abuse of a corpse, and criminally negligent homicide related to her daughter Ryleigh's death in a car crash. Kahleb的尸体尚未找到,但当局认为他已死亡。 Kahleb's body has not been found, but authorities believe he is deceased. 该案仍在调查之中。 The case remains under investigation.