Timothy Staggers, 21岁, 21岁, 因为他的2个月大女儿死亡时 被虐待儿童杀害而被捕。 Timothy Staggers, 21, arrested for homicide by child abuse in the death of his 2-month-old daughter.
Timothy Staggers,21岁,被逮捕并被指控在南卡罗来纳州Kershaw县因虐待儿童而杀害他2个月大的女儿。 Timothy Staggers, 21, has been arrested and charged with homicide by child abuse in the death of his 2-month-old daughter in Kershaw County, South Carolina. 这名婴儿于7月25日被送到急诊室,没有反应。 The infant was brought to an emergency room unresponsive on July 25. 尸体解剖发现了非意外伤害,包括头部创伤和骨折,导致她死亡。 An autopsy revealed non-accidental injuries including head trauma and fractures, leading to her death. 12月4日,Staggers被捕,警长强调要为孩子伸张正义。 Staggers was arrested on December 4, with the sheriff emphasizing the pursuit of justice for the child.