爱荷华州的人口在2024年增加了23 074人,主要原因是国际移徙激增。 Iowa's population gained 23,074 in 2024, mainly due to a surge in international migration.
爱荷华的人口从2023年到2024年增加了23 074人,这主要是由于国际移徙造成的。 Iowa's population grew by 23,074 people from 2023 to 2024, largely due to international migration. 国家接待了19,439名国外新居民,231人搬出。 The state welcomed 19,439 new residents from abroad, while 231 people moved out. 这种流入有助于填补劳动力缺口,支持农村社区,但并不能完全弥补年轻居民因其他机会而离开的丧失。 This influx helped fill workforce gaps and support rural communities, though it doesn't fully offset the loss of young residents leaving for other opportunities.