印度政府将天然气供应转向零售商,以稳定CNG和烹饪气价。 Indian government redirects gas supply to retailers to stabilize CNG and cooking gas prices.
印度政府已将液化石油气生产的天然气改用于Indraprastha天然气有限公司和Adani-Total天然气有限公司等城市天然气零售商,以满足对CNG和管道烹饪天然气的需求。 The Indian government has redirected natural gas from LPG production to city gas retailers like Indraprastha Gas Ltd and Adani-Total Gas Ltd to meet the demand for CNG and piped cooking gas. 在此之前,10月和11月,零售商的天然气供应量被削减40%,导致中共价格每公斤上涨2至3卢比。 This follows a 40% cut in natural gas supplies to retailers in October and November, causing a rise in CNG prices by Rs 2-3 per kg. 为了解决这个问题,每天127万立方米的天然气将被转用于CNN和管道天然气使用,从而有助于稳定价格。 To address this, 1.27 million cubic meters per day of gas will be diverted for CNG and piped gas use, helping to stabilize prices.