印度政府将国内天然气配给城市天然气经销商的数量削减20%, Indian government cuts domestic gas allocations to city gas distributors by 20%, potentially raising CNG prices.
印度政府将国内对城市天然气经销商的天然气分配减少了约20%,有可能提高压缩天然气价格。 The Indian government has reduced domestic gas allocations to city gas distributors by about 20%, potentially raising Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) prices. 这一变化从10月16日起生效,可能会影响Indraprastha天然气有限公司和Mahanagar天然气有限公司等公司的利润,因为这些公司转而使用煤气源。 This change, effective October 16, may impact profitability for companies like Indraprastha Gas Ltd and Mahanagar Gas Ltd, as they turn to pricier gas sources. 虽然家庭供应不受影响,但如果不迅速找到替代能源, 这一转变可能会减缓CNG车辆的注册, While household supplies remain unaffected, the shift may slow CNG vehicle registrations and disrupt supplies at some pumps if alternatives aren't secured quickly.