印度向玻利维亚提供16吨援助,帮助抗击严重的森林火灾。 India sends 16 tons of aid to Bolivia to help fight severe forest fires.
印度向玻利维亚运送了16吨人道主义援助,包括消防器材和医疗用品,以帮助消除严重的森林火灾。 India has sent 16 tons of humanitarian aid, including firefighting gear and medical supplies, to Bolivia to help combat severe forest fires. 这项援助旨在解决火灾造成的环境和健康危机,这些危机导致玻利维亚于2024年9月宣布全国紧急状况。 This assistance aims to address the environmental and health crises caused by the fires, which led Bolivia to declare a national emergency in September 2024. 这项援助反映出印度致力于帮助受自然灾害影响的国家。 This aid reflects India's commitment to helping countries affected by natural disasters.