Dan Leingang 在 Doug Jensen 离职后成为俾斯麦州立学院的代理校长。 Dan Leingang becomes acting president of Bismarck State College after Doug Jensen's departure.
Bismarck州立学院主管学术事务的副院长Dan Leingang在总统道格·詹森离任后被任命为代理院长。 Dan Leingang, Bismarck State College's vice president for academic affairs, has been appointed as the acting president following the departure of President Doug Jensen. 自2000年以来一直在BSC工作的Leingang将担任该职,直至1月9日任命临时总统为止。 Leingang, who has been with BSC since 2000, will serve in the role until an interim president is appointed on January 9th. Jensen根据国家高等教育委员会的协议,因医疗和个人原因离开该职位。 Jensen left the position due to medical and personal reasons, as agreed upon by the State Board of Higher Education.