北达科他州大学足球教练Bubba Schweigert在担任临时教练11年后辞职。 University of North Dakota football coach Bubba Schweigert resigns after 11 years, staying on as interim coach.
北达科塔大学足球教练Bubba Schweigert在担任体育系高级行政职务11年后即将下台。 University of North Dakota football coach Bubba Schweigert is stepping down after 11 years to take a senior administrative role within the athletics department. 施威格特带领球队赢得两次联赛冠军和五次季后赛, 他将继续担任临时教练, Schweigert, who led the team to two conference titles and five postseason appearances, will remain interim coach until a replacement is found. 该大学目前正在全国寻找一名新总教练。 The university is now conducting a national search for a new head coach.