加利福尼亚州的新法保护医疗债务 避免影响信用分数 从2023年起生效 California's new law shields medical debt from impacting credit scores, effective since 2023.
从2023年1月1日起,加州的新法律禁止保健提供者和债务收款人向信贷机构报告医疗债务。 California's new law prevents health providers and debt collectors from reporting medical debt to credit agencies, starting January 1, 2023. 这意味着未支付的医疗账单不会影响个人的信用分数。 This means unpaid medical bills will not affect individuals' credit scores. 该立法旨在保护病人免受医疗紧急情况造成的信用损害,使38%有医疗债务的加利福尼亚人受益。 The legislation aims to protect patients from credit damage due to medical emergencies, benefiting the 38% of Californians with medical debt. 纽约和科罗拉多州也存在类似的法律。 Similar laws exist in New York and Colorado.