CFPB规定从信用报告中删除超过500美元的医疗债务,影响1 500万美国人。 CFPB rules to remove medical debts over $500 from credit reports, impacting 15 million Americans.
消费者金融保护局(CFPB)引入了一条新规则,从信用报告中剔除超过500美元的医疗债务,影响到约1 500万美国人,医疗账单约为500亿美元。 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has introduced a new rule that will remove medical debt over $500 from credit reports, affecting around 15 million Americans with roughly $50 billion in medical bills. 这一变化旨在改善信用评分,增加获得负担得起的抵押贷款的机会,但因有可能降低信用评分准确度和减少低收入美国人的信贷可用性而面临批评。 This change aims to improve credit scores and increase access to affordable mortgages but has faced criticism for potentially making credit scoring less accurate and reducing credit availability for low-income Americans.