加利福尼亚州为2025年颁布了5项新的保健法案,增加了患者的就医机会并减轻了财政负担。 California enacts five new health bills for 2025, enhancing patient access and reducing financial burdens.
预定在2025年对加利福尼亚州病人产生影响的5项新保健法案包括免费预防服务,设立一个稀有疾病理事会,涵盖不孕不育治疗,禁止向信贷机构报告医疗债务,以及确保未经事先授权提供阿片剂成瘾治疗。 Five new health bills set to impact California patients in 2025 include free preventive services, establishing a council for rare diseases, covering infertility treatments, banning the reporting of medical debt to credit agencies, and ensuring coverage for opiate addiction treatments without prior authorization. 这些措施旨在为病人提供更好的途径和减轻财政负担。 These measures aim to provide better access and reduce financial burdens for patients.