Beaumont警官受重伤;两名嫌疑人,包括Jamaysha Butler,因殴打和逃跑被捕。 Beaumont officer seriously injured; two suspects, including Jamaysha Butler, arrested for assault and evading.
一名博蒙特警官在试图拘留一名嫌犯时头部严重受伤,该嫌犯在小伍德罗的骚乱中乘车辆逃跑。 A Beaumont police officer suffered a serious head injury while trying to detain a suspect who fled in a vehicle during a disturbance at Little Woodrow's. 嫌疑人28岁的Jamaysha Butler后来被捕,并面临包括醉酒袭击和逃避逮捕等指控。 The suspect, 28-year-old Jamaysha Butler, was later arrested and faces charges including intoxication assault and evading arrest. 第二名嫌疑人,22岁的Melissa Bell,也被逮捕,并被指控犯有公众酗酒、袭击一名和平官员和其他罪行,包括持有尚未执行的逮捕令。 A second suspect, 22-year-old Melissa Bell, was also arrested and charged with public intoxication, assault on a peace officer, and other offenses, including having outstanding warrants.