艺术家以充满活力的艺术方式重振伊朗的希拉兹区, Artist revives Iran's Shiraz neighborhood with vibrant art, attracting tourists and social media attention.
艺术家Adel Yazdi正在将伊朗设拉子地区被忽视的Narenjestan社区转变为充满活力的文化中心, Artist Adel Yazdi is transforming the neglected Narenjestan neighborhood in Shiraz, Iran, into a vibrant cultural hub with his colorful paintings and intricate relief faces. 该地区曾经以倒塌的房屋闻名, 现在吸引游客, 并成为社交媒体的感官。 Once known for its crumbling houses, the area now attracts tourists and has become a social media sensation. 在位于巴黎的蓬皮杜中心的启发下,雅兹迪旨在振兴希拉子的巷子,改善该市的文化景观。 Inspired by the Pompidou Centre in Paris, Yazdi aims to revitalize Shiraz's alleyways and enhance the city's cultural landscape.