美国公民自由联盟就资金不足的公共辩护系统起诉Idaho,要求释放无律师代理的被告。 ACLU sues Idaho over underfunded public defense system, calls for release of unrepresented defendants.
Idaho的ACLU针对国家新的公设辩护系统提出紧急动议, 声称由于资金不足而失败, 导致公设辩护人大规模辞职, 被告无律师代理。 The ACLU of Idaho filed an emergency motion against the state's new public defense system, claiming it's failing due to underfunding, leading to mass resignations of public defenders and leaving defendants without representation. 美国公民自由联盟要求法院释放在七天内未与其指定律师联系或无律师代理出席重大听证会的被告。 The ACLU is asking the court to release defendants who haven't communicated with their assigned attorneys within seven days or who are unrepresented at major hearings. 这是在10月国家控制了该系统之后发生的,当时美国公民自由联盟早在2015年就指控宪法遭到违反。 This comes after the state took control of the system in October, amid allegations of constitutional violations from the ACLU dating back to 2015.