美国公民自由联盟指控爱荷华州内布拉斯加州法院违反移民正当程序。 ACLU accuses court of violating immigrants’ due process in Nebraska, Iowa.
内布拉斯加州的美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)指控位于奥马哈的美国司法部移民法院在移民驱逐程序中侵犯了正当程序权利。 The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Nebraska has accused the U.S. Department of Justice immigration court in Omaha of violating due process rights in immigrants' removal proceedings. 该报告基于 2023 年 4 月至 8 月期间的 500 多场审前听证会发现,法官经常在集体环境中宣读移民的权利,为非英语国家提供的口译服务不足,并且未能在每次听证会之前单独告知许多移民他们的权利。 Based on over 500 pretrial hearings between April and August 2023, the report found that judges often read immigrants their rights in group settings, provided inadequate interpretation services for non-English speakers, and failed to inform many immigrants of their rights individually before each hearing. 美国公民自由联盟建议法院在每次听证会之前单独告知移民他们的权利,提供充分的口译服务,并制定保证代表的计划。 The ACLU recommends that the court should advise immigrants of their rights individually before each hearing, provide adequate interpretation services, and create a program for guaranteed representation. 该组织还建议,移民法院应重组为独立于行政部门的法院系统,并配备更多具有不同工作经验的移民法官。 The organization also suggests that the immigration courts should be restructured as an independent court system from the executive branch, with more immigration judges from diverse work experiences.