泰国中央银行报告存在经济不确定性,并列举了美国政策的潜在影响。 Thailand's central bank reports economic uncertainty, citing potential U.S. policy impacts.
泰国中央银行报告说,主要由于潜在的美国经济政策的影响不明确,经济不确定性日益增大。 Thailand's central bank reports growing economic uncertainty, mainly due to unclear impacts of potential U.S. economic policies. 泰国银行将一天的回购率维持在2.25%不变,以保持对不确定因素作出反应的灵活性。 The Bank of Thailand kept the one-day repurchase rate unchanged at 2.25% to maintain flexibility in responding to uncertainties. 尽管对出口业绩和投资影响感到关切,银行预测2024年经济增长2.7%,2025年经济增长2.9%。 The bank forecasts economic growth of 2.7% in 2024 and 2.9% in 2025, despite concerns about export performance and investment impacts.