台湾重塑的绿色科技加速器帮助新创企业降低高排放部门的碳排放。 Taiwan's rebranded Green Tech Accelerator aids startups in lowering carbon emissions in high-emission sectors.
绿色技术加速器(Green Technology Acclerator)是台湾于2025年重新命名的方案,它支持初创企业和中小企业减少碳排放,重点是电子和能源等高排放部门。 The Green Tech Accelerator, a Taiwanese program rebranded in 2025, supports startups and SMEs in reducing carbon emissions, focusing on high-emission sectors like electronics and energy. 它提供辅导、课程和国际市场连接,以促进合作和制定碳减排解决方案,与净零排放目标保持一致。 It offers mentorship, courses, and international market connections to foster collaboration and develop carbon reduction solutions, aligning with net-zero emission goals. 该倡议旨在将初创企业融入全球绿色技术生态系统,并支持可持续发展目标。 The initiative aims to integrate startups into a global green tech ecosystem and supports sustainable development goals.