每10名英国医生中就有7名医生面临同情疲劳症,促使劳工政府投入226亿英镑的卫生投资。 Seven in ten UK doctors face compassion fatigue, prompting a £22.6 billion health investment by the Labour government.
英国每10名医生中就有7名医生在忍受同情疲劳症, Seven in ten UK doctors are struggling with compassion fatigue, making it difficult for them to empathize with patients. 这个问题主要影响年轻医生,是由高度紧张和患者遭受痛苦造成的,与对潜在医疗错误的关切有关。 This issue, affecting mainly younger doctors and caused by high stress and exposure to patient suffering, is linked to concerns over potential medical errors. 新的劳工政府计划到2026年再向卫生系统投资226亿英镑,以解决这些问题。 The new Labour government plans to invest an additional £22.6 billion in the health system by 2026 to address these issues.