一股强大的地磁风暴在新年节将惊人的奥罗拉斯带往澳大利亚南部。 A powerful geomagnetic storm brought stunning auroras to southern Australia on New Year's Day.
在2025年新年日,太阳活动引发了一场严重的地磁风暴,导致澳大利亚南部,包括西澳大利亚、塔斯马尼亚和维多利亚等地出现惊人的极光奥斯特拉勒斯风景。 On New Year's Day 2025, a severe geomagnetic storm caused by solar activity led to spectacular aurora australis sightings across southern Australia, including Western Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria. 充满活力的绿色和紫色灯光即使在城市灯光中也可见,吸引着在社交媒体上分享照片的居民。 The vibrant green and purple lights were visible even through city lights, captivating residents who shared photos on social media. 这一事件恰逢太阳周期的高峰,增加了这种展示的频率。 This event coincided with the peak of a solar cycle, increasing the frequency of such displays.