一场强大的太阳风暴,这是二十年来最大的一次,导致拉丁美洲出现罕见的极光。 A powerful solar storm, the largest in two decades, caused rare auroras in Latin America.
一场强烈的太阳风暴导致拉丁美洲出现罕见的极光,墨西哥墨西卡利的夜空被渐变的粉色和紫色照亮,智利和阿根廷的夜空则被红色和洋红色照亮。 A powerful solar storm caused rare auroras to dazzle in Latin America, with gradients of pink and purple illuminating the night sky in Mexicali, Mexico, and reds and magentas in Chile and Argentina. 此次地磁风暴是二十年来最大的一次,它是由太阳耀斑引发的,是由于太阳日冕的等离子体和磁场爆炸袭击地球而引起的。 The geomagnetic storm, the largest in two decades, was sparked by solar flares and is caused when explosions of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun's corona are directed at Earth.