印地安那波利斯警方在一次短期租借的22次枪击后拘留了20名青少年,发现9支枪。 Police in Indianapolis detained 20 teens after 22 gunshots at a short-term rental, finding nine guns.
印第安纳波利斯警方在不老泉广场的短期租房中听到22发枪声后拘留了约20名青少年。 Police in Indianapolis detained about 20 teenagers after hearing 22 gunshots at a short-term rental in Fountain Square. 军官没收了九支枪,包括一个“机关枪开关”和一个大型弹药杂志。 Officers confiscated nine guns, including a "machine gun switch" and a large ammunition magazine. 虽然没有证实有人受伤,但这一事件凸显了对利用短期租借进行非法活动的关切。 While no injuries were confirmed, the incident highlights concerns over short-term rentals being used for illegal activities. 警察敦促家长对其子女的行动承担更多责任。 Police urged parents to take more responsibility for their children's actions.