Pierce县的试用副警长在用车殴打一名妇女并据称试图将她撞死后被捕。 Pierce County probationary deputy arrested after hitting a woman with his car and allegedly attempting to run her over.
Pierce县一名试用期惩教助理在Tacoma被捕,当时他用车殴打一名妇女,并据称试图将她撞死。 A probationary corrections deputy in Pierce County was arrested in Tacoma after hitting a woman with his vehicle and allegedly trying to run her over. 事发发生于周三清晨市场街。 The incident happened early Wednesday morning on Market Street. 该妇女面部受伤,并住院治疗。 The woman suffered facial injuries and was hospitalized. 这名最近受雇的副手被控在醉酒期间殴打车辆和驾车,并被监禁。 The deputy, recently hired, faces charges of vehicular assault and driving while intoxicated and has been jailed.