Mecklenburg县的副手受伤,汽车在疑犯在交通停留期间逃离坠机现场后升空。 Mecklenburg County deputy injured, car went airborne after suspect fled crash scene during traffic stop.
Mecklenburg县的一位议员受伤,因为一辆汽车在交通中停下时超速撞到另一辆车。 A Mecklenburg County deputy was injured after a car crashed into another vehicle while speeding past during a traffic stop. 副警长为避免碰撞而转弯,导致他们的汽车起飞。 The deputy swerved to avoid a collision, causing their car to go airborne. 副手需要对无生命威胁的伤进行外科手术,但预计会完全康复。 The deputy needs surgery for non-life-threatening injuries but is expected to fully recover. 疑犯逃跑了 警长办公室仍在寻找他们 The suspect has fled and the sheriff's office is still searching for them.