印度石油公司将经营诺伊达国际机场三个加油站,今年将开放。 Indian Oil to operate three fuel stations at Noida International Airport, set to open this year.
印度石油公司(IOCL)与Noida国际机场(NIA)签订了为期30年的协议,在机场运营三个燃料站,该加油站定于2025年开放。 Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL) has signed a 30-year deal with Noida International Airport (NIA) to operate three fuel stations at the airport, set to open in 2025. 这些车站将位于西部入口公路附近、机场业务的机场一侧和东部货运区。 The stations will be located near the western access road, airside for airport operations, and the eastern cargo precinct. 这一伙伴关系旨在提供高效和高质量的燃料服务,支持NIA成为印度北部主要航空枢纽的目标。 This partnership aims to provide efficient and high-quality fueling services, supporting NIA's goal of becoming a leading aviation hub in Northern India.