诺伊达国际机场与Mahindra物流流动公司合作,每周7天每天24小时提供电动出租车服务。 Noida International Airport launches 24/7 electric taxi service in partnership with Mahindra Logistics Mobility.
诺伊达国际机场(NIA)与马欣德拉物流流动公司合作,为乘客提供每周7天、每天24小时的电动出租车服务。 Noida International Airport (NIA) has teamed up with Mahindra Logistics Mobility to launch a 24/7 electric taxi service for passengers. 可通过移动应用程序、网站、呼叫中心、航空公司伙伴关系和机场服务站预订。 The service features premium pick-up and drop-off at the airport and can be booked through a mobile app, website, call center, airline partnerships, and airport kiosks. 这一生态友好型倡议符合NIA的可持续性目标,旨在全面发展后每年为多达7 000万乘客提供服务。 This eco-friendly initiative aligns with NIA's sustainability goals and aims to serve up to 70 million passengers annually upon full development.