年轻作者的血液测试显示,生物年龄为53岁,凸显潜在的健康风险和刺激生活方式的改变。 Young author's blood test reveals biological age of 53, highlighting potential health risks and spurring lifestyle changes.
一名24岁的作者通过GlycanAge的血液测试发现,他们的生物年龄为53岁,大大高于预期。 A 24-year-old author found their biological age was 53, much higher than expected, through a GlycanAge blood test. 测试测量了慢性炎症并揭示了潜在的健康风险。 The test measures chronic inflammation and revealed potential health risks. 虽然没有发现严重的健康问题,但除了维生素B12缺乏症外,提交人现在的重点是改善饮食和生活方式,以便在今后的测试中降低其生物年龄。 Though no serious health issues were found, aside from a vitamin B12 deficiency, the author is now focusing on improving diet and lifestyle to potentially reduce their biological age in future tests. GlycanAge报告说,67%的重复客户在生物年龄方面有所改善。 GlycanAge reports that 67% of repeat customers have seen improvements in their biological age.