Vet Luke Gamble推出YouTube频道, 分享动物福利工作与启发他人。 Vet Luke Gamble launches YouTube channel to share animal welfare work and inspire others.
知名兽医Luke Gamble已推出YouTube频道, 分享他在兽医和动物福利方面的经验。 Renowned veterinarian Luke Gamble has launched a YouTube channel to share his experiences in veterinary medicine and animal welfare. 该频道将播放来自贫困地区的幕后录像、营救故事、宠物照料小费,并深入了解慈善工作与他职业之间的平衡。 The channel will feature behind-the-scenes footage from underprivileged regions, rescue stories, pet care tips, and insights into balancing charity work with his profession. 自2003年建立世界兽医服务以来,70多万只动物接受了治疗,Gamble旨在激励更多人加入动物福利斗争。 Since founding the World Veterinary Service in 2003, over 700,000 animals have received treatment, and Gamble aims to inspire more people to join the fight for animal welfare.