洛杉矶地区发生了三起灌木大火,其中一起疑似纵火,一起疑犯被拘留。 Three brush fires broke out in Los Angeles area, with one suspected arson and a suspect in custody.
星期二,塞普尔韦达盆地娱乐区爆发了一场灌木大火,烧毁2.5英亩土地,没有建筑受到任何威胁。 A brush fire broke out in the Sepulveda Basin Recreation Area on Tuesday, burning 2.5 acres, with no structures threatened. 消防员在大火中战斗,造成伍德利大道交通中断。 Firefighters battled the blaze, causing Woodley Avenue traffic disruptions. 早些时候,Burbank发生火灾,疑似纵火,烧毁了大约五英亩土地,促使人们撤离。 Earlier, a fire in Burbank, suspected to be arson, burned about five acres and prompted evacuations. 一名嫌疑犯被拘押。 A suspect was taken into custody. 格里菲思公园的第三起小火迅速被控制,没有报告有人受伤。 A third small fire in Griffith Park was quickly contained with no reported injuries. 当局正在调查是否与火灾有联系。 Authorities are investigating if the fires are connected.