被控武装家庭入侵的青少年;盗窃物品包括豪华运动鞋和iPhone。 Teen charged in armed home invasion; stolen items included luxury sneakers and an iPhone.
来自West Roxbury的一名15岁的孩子被指控于11月17日武装入侵住宅,他和另外两人用一把枪和刀威胁一名受害者,偷走了价值几千美元的iPhone、裤子和豪华运动鞋。 A 15-year-old from West Roxbury is charged with an armed home invasion on November 17th, where he and two others threatened a victim with a gun and knives, stealing an iPhone, pants, and luxury sneakers worth thousands. 通过监视和证人确认,青少年没有保释,1月10日将举行危险性听证。 Identified through surveillance and witnesses, the teen is held without bail, with a dangerousness hearing set for January 10th. 警方仍在搜寻其他嫌疑犯。 Police are still searching for the other suspects.