布兰普顿的 14 岁、15 岁儿童抢劫豪华车,刺伤三名乘客。 14-year-olds, 15-year-olds in Brampton rob luxury vehicles, stab three occupants.
在安大略的Brampton, 14岁和2名15岁青少年因两起针对豪华车辆的家庭入侵,面临多项指控,包括抢劫和严重攻击。 14-year-old and two 15-year-old teens in Brampton, Ontario are facing multiple charges, including robbery and aggravated assault, for two home invasions targeting luxury vehicles. 据称,嫌犯偷走了一辆白色的Acura轿车,没有闯入住宅,然后在刺杀三个人时要求另一辆车的钥匙。 The suspects allegedly stole a white Acura sedan, failed to break into a home, and then demanded keys to another vehicle while stabbing three occupants. 被盗的Acura和豪华车辆被追回,一名嫌疑人仍然在逃。 The stolen Acura and luxury vehicle were recovered, while one suspect remains at large.