斯里兰卡在联合国率先发起世界冥想日活动,在科伦坡举行了一次国际会议。 Sri Lanka spearheaded World Meditation Day at the UN, marked by an international conference in Colombo.
斯里兰卡在联合国牵头作出努力,将12月21日定为世界冥想日,该决议由71个国家共同发起。 Sri Lanka led efforts in the UN to establish December 21st as World Meditation Day, with the resolution co-sponsored by 71 countries. 为庆祝成立日,科伦坡大学主办了一次国际会议,有来自9个国家的专家参加,会议重点是冥想对健康、福祉和可持续性的益处。 To celebrate the inaugural day, the University of Colombo hosted an international conference featuring experts from nine countries, focusing on meditation's benefits to health, well-being, and sustainability. 这次活动得到教科文组织和其他组织的支持,突出了关于冥想在促进社会和谐和环境意识方面的潜力的研究。 The event, supported by UNESCO and other organizations, highlighted research on meditation’s potential to promote social harmony and environmental awareness.