Habuild在第一个世界冥想日创下了287,711个世界纪录。 Wellness platform Habuild sets world record with 287,711 in first World Meditation Day.
Habuild在纪念第一个世界冥想日的2024年12月21日主办规模最大的虚拟冥想会,与会者2 87 711人,创下了世界纪录。 Nagpur-based wellness platform Habuild set a world record by hosting the largest virtual meditation session with 2,87,711 participants on December 21, 2024, marking the first World Meditation Day. 联合国宣布这一天为印度文化的重要日子,使它与冬季定时相一致。 The United Nations declared this day, aligning it with the winter solstice, a significant date in Indian culture. 哈比尔德公司首席执行官Saurabh Bothra强调冥想对心理健康的好处, 并宣布从2025年1月6日开始为期21天的免费在线计划. Habuild's CEO, Saurabh Bothra, highlighted the mental health benefits of meditation and announced a 21-day free online yoga program starting January 6, 2025.