斯里兰卡削减政治人物的安全细节, Sri Lanka cuts security details for politicians except the President and Prime Minister post-LTTE defeat.
斯里兰卡政府决定仅向总统和总理提供武装部队保护,不再向其他政治人物提供保护。 The Sri Lankan government has decided to provide armed forces protection only to the President and Prime Minister, discontinuing it for other politicians. 据报道,自2009年解放军失败以来, 没有任何针对政客或军官的行动. This change follows the defeat of the LTTE in 2009, with no reported attempts to target politicians or military officers since. 以前,各种政治领导人都得到了这种保护,但目前的威胁评估导致了这一政策转变。 Previously, various political leaders received such protection, but current threat assessments have led to this policy shift.