斯里兰卡外交部长赞扬英国继续禁止泰米尔猛虎组织,并指出此举可防止该组织死灰复燃。 Sri Lankan Foreign Minister praises UK's continued LTTE ban, citing prevention of group's resurgence.
斯里兰卡外交部长阿里·萨布里对英国维持对泰米尔猛虎组织禁令的决定表示赞赏,并表示此举可防止该前激进组织试图在斯里兰卡重新建立势力。 Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry applauds UK's decision to maintain the ban on LTTE, stating it prevents any attempts by the former militant group to re-establish itself in Sri Lanka. 泰米尔猛虎组织的历史包括一场长达三十年的冲突,旨在在斯里兰卡北部和东部地区建立独立的泰米尔家园。 The LTTE's history includes a three-decade-long conflict aimed at creating a separate Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka's north and east regions. 该组织在英国、印度、美国、加拿大、马来西亚和欧盟成员国等多个国家仍被禁止。 The group remains outlawed in various countries, including the UK, India, USA, Canada, Malaysia, and EU members.