科学家们在 2024 年发现了甲虫和鱼类等新物种,凸显了保护的必要性。 Scientists in 2024 discovered new species like a beetle and a fish, highlighting the need for conservation.
2024 年,科学家们发现了几个新物种,包括澳大利亚的一种具有类似真菌特征的甲虫、日本附近绰号“骷髅熊猫”的海鞘,以及亚马逊地区一种以《指环王》中的索伦命名的帕库鱼。 In 2024, scientists discovered several new species, including a beetle with fungal-like features in Australia, a sea squirt nicknamed the "skeleton panda" off Japan, and a pacu fish named after Sauron from "Lord of the Rings" in the Amazon. 然而,由于森林砍伐和气候变化,许多新发现的物种已经处于危险之中,引发了人们对它们生存的担忧。 However, many of these newly discovered species are already at risk due to deforestation and climate change, raising concerns about their survival.