由施密特海洋研究所领导的智利近海深海考察发现了 100 多种潜在的新海洋物种。 A deep sea expedition off Chile discovered over 100 potential new marine species, led by the Schmidt Ocean Institute.
智利海岸附近的一次深海探险发现了 100 多种可能的新海洋物种,包括珊瑚、鱿鱼、海绵、海胆、片脚类、鱼类和甲壳类动物。 A deep sea expedition off the coast of Chile discovered more than 100 possible new marine species, including corals, squid, sponges, urchins, amphipods, fish, and crustaceans. 施密特海洋研究所领导了这次研究考察,探索了沿着水下山脉的海山和两个受保护的海洋区域。 The Schmidt Ocean Institute led the research expedition, exploring seamounts along underwater mountain chains and two protected marine areas. 这些发现可能有助于新科学的发展并为保护管理决策提供信息。 These discoveries could contribute to new science and inform conservation management decisions.