科学家在生物多样性危机中发现了新的物种,包括云层老虎猫和独特的兰花。 Scientists discover new species, including a clouded tiger-cat and unique orchid, amid biodiversity crisis.
2024年,科学家在目前的生物多样性危机中确定了几个新的物种。 In 2024, scientists identified several new species amid the ongoing biodiversity crisis. 值得注意的发现包括安第斯山脉的蒙云老虎猫、澳大利亚发现的长角白头发甲虫和14英寸花蜜的马达加斯坎兰花。 Notable discoveries include the clouded tiger-cat in the Andes, a longhorn beetle with white hairs found in Australia, and a Madagascan orchid with a 14-inch nectar spur. 这些调查结果突出表明,迫切需要在地球物种因气候变化和其他威胁而灭绝之前对其进行记录。 These findings highlight the urgency of documenting Earth's species before they go extinct due to climate change and other threats.