RNLI志愿者Stephen Wheatley跑200英里, 庆祝慈善机构成立200周年, 筹得超过7000英镑。 RNLI volunteer Stephen Wheatley runs 200 miles to celebrate the charity’s 200th anniversary, raising over £7,000.
69 岁的 RNLI 志愿者和祖父斯蒂芬·惠特利 (Stephen Wheatley) 通过在 100 次两英里的跑步中跑 200 英里来庆祝该慈善机构成立 200 周年,筹集了超过 7,000 英镑。 Stephen Wheatley, a 69-year-old RNLI volunteer and grandfather, celebrated the charity's 200th anniversary by running 200 miles in 100 two-mile runs, raising over £7,000. 自2005年加入以来,惠特利已完成450多次轮班,并参加了400多次救援呼叫。 Since joining in 2005, Wheatley has completed over 450 shifts and participated in more than 400 rescue call-outs. 1824年成立的RNLI在整个英国提供24小时的救援服务。 The RNLI, founded in 1824, provides 24-hour rescue services across the UK.