45岁的Stephen Melling, 克服吸毒成瘾, 创建了恢复者支持小组, 并计划一个110英里的生日赛来募集资金。 45-year-old Stephen Melling, overcoming addiction, creates Recovery Runners support group and plans a 110-mile birthday run to raise funds.
来自利物浦的 45 岁男子斯蒂芬·梅林 (Stephen Melling) 克服了严重的可卡因和酒精成瘾,这些成瘾曾经使他每天花费 150 英镑,并促使他写下遗书。 Stephen Melling, a 45-year-old from Liverpool, overcame severe cocaine and alcohol addiction that once cost him £150 daily and pushed him to write suicide notes. 在心理健康单位寻求帮助后,他在运行中找到了安慰,激励他创建了康复运行者,这是一个支助团体,现在有100多名成员。 After seeking help at a mental health unit, he found solace in running, which inspired him to create Recovery Runners, a support group now with over 100 members. 为了庆祝自己的生日,他计划在 24 小时内跑 110 英里,为该组织筹集资金,并得到利物浦 Good To Go Recovery Drinks 的支持。 To celebrate his birthday, he plans a 110-mile run in 24 hours to raise funds for the group, supported by Liverpool's Good To Go Recovery Drinks.