请愿者敦促使用关闭的县厅停车场来减少Wworcestershire皇家医院的拥挤状况。 Petition urges using closed County Hall car parks to reduce congestion at Worcestershire Royal Hospital.
Worcestershire县议员Andrew Cross领头的请愿书旨在利用关闭的县大厅的空停车场在Worcestershire皇家医院停车,缓解拥挤。 A petition led by Worcestershire County Councillor Andrew Cross aims to use the empty car parks at the closed County Hall for parking at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, easing congestion. 该提议得到各党派议员的支持,但没有得到县议会的批准。 The proposal, backed by councillors from various parties, has not been approved by the county council. 公园和骑车以及多层停车场等潜在解决方案仍在开发中。 Potential solutions like park and ride and a multi-storey car park are still in development. 由于军团菌和结构问题,County Hall 于 6 月关闭。 County Hall closed in June due to Legionella bacteria and structural issues.