伍斯特议员因圣诞节停车紧缩 申请为医院病人设立 州Hall汽车公园 Worcester councillor requests County Hall car parks for hospital patients due to Christmas parking crunch.
Wosterster市议员Mel Allcott 写了一封公开信给Worcestershire县议会领导人Simon Geraghty, 要求允许医院病人在这个圣诞节在空空的县厅停车场停车。 Worcester city councillor Mel Allcott has written an open letter to Worcestershire County Council leader Simon Geraghty, asking to allow hospital patients to park at empty County Hall car parks this Christmas. 提出这项请求的原因是,停车场和车道计划延迟,而且正在建造多层停车场。 The request is due to delays in a park-and-ride scheme and the ongoing construction of a multi-storey car park. 支持这一措施, 缓解沃斯特郡皇家医院周围的停车拥堵. A petition by Cllr Andrew Cross also supports this measure to ease parking congestion around Worcestershire Royal Hospital.