巴基斯坦海军首长呼吁加强印度洋的海事安全和准备状态。 Pakistan's Navy Chief calls for enhanced maritime security and readiness in the Indian Ocean.
巴基斯坦海军司令Naveed Ashraf上将强调,在伊斯兰堡的一次会议上,有必要加强海上安全和战斗准备状态。 Pakistan's Navy Chief, Admiral Naveed Ashraf, emphasized the need to boost maritime security and combat readiness during a conference in Islamabad. 会议的重点是保护印度洋的贸易路线,并审查了即将举行的多国海军演习的筹备工作。 The meeting focused on protecting trade routes in the Indian Ocean and reviewed preparations for an upcoming multinational naval exercise. Ashraf上将赞扬了海军的士气和现代化努力,同时还审查了当前和未来的项目。 Admiral Ashraf praised the Navy's morale and modernization efforts, while also reviewing current and future projects.