巴基斯坦海军指挥 CTF-150 维护中东和阿拉伯海的海上安全。 Pakistan Navy assumes command of CTF-150 for maritime security in the Middle East, Arabian Sea.
巴基斯坦海军第13次指挥CTF-150,重点负责中东、阿拉伯海和重点地区的海上安全。 Pakistan Navy takes command of CTF-150 for the 13th time, focusing on maritime security in the Middle East, Arabian Sea, and key regions. 在巴林举行的指挥权交接仪式上,海军准将阿西姆·索海尔·马利克接替加拿大皇家海军上校科林·马修斯指挥海军。 A change-of-command ceremony at Bahrain saw Commodore Asim Sohail Malik assume command from Royal Canadian Navy Capt Colin Matthews. 巴基斯坦海军旨在与联军海军合作,确保责任区内的和平与稳定。 The Pakistan Navy aims to collaborate with coalition navies to ensure peace and stability within the Area of Responsibility.