印度新任海军司令特里帕蒂强调作战准备和海上安全。 New Indian Navy Chief Tripathi emphasizes operational readiness and maritime security.
印度新任海军司令迪内什·库马尔·特里帕蒂上将强调保持作战准备状态对于遏制海上潜在对手的重要性。 Admiral Dinesh Kumar Tripathi, the new Chief of the Indian Navy, emphasizes the importance of maintaining operational readiness to deter potential adversaries at sea. 特里帕蒂在就职演说中强调,印度海军致力于维护国家海上利益,确保在任何冲突情况下取得胜利。 In his inaugural address, Tripathi highlights the Indian Navy's commitment to securing the nation's maritime interests and ensuring victory in any conflict scenario. 印度海军的目标是提高其自力更生和技术能力。 The Indian Navy aims to advance its self-reliance and technological capabilities.