巴基斯坦将贝娜齐尔收入支助方案的津贴提高至13 500卢比,援助了约1 000万个家庭。 Pakistan raises stipend for its Benazir Income Support Program to Rs13,500, aiding around 10 million families.
巴基斯坦的贝娜齐尔收入支助方案(BISP)从2025年1月起将季度津贴从10 500卢比提高到13 500卢比。 The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) in Pakistan has raised its quarterly stipend from Rs10,500 to Rs13,500, effective January 2025. BISP主席参议员Rubina Khalid宣布这一增长, 并指定2025年为“Benazir Hunarmand计划年”, 重点是提供职业培训, Senator Rubina Khalid, BISP's chairperson, announced this increase and designated 2025 as the "Year of the Benazir Hunarmand Program," focusing on vocational training to empower underprivileged individuals. 该方案旨在支助大约1 000万个家庭,改善获得资金的机会,并通过现代呼叫中心和移动登记车加强服务。 The program aims to support around 10 million families, improving access to funds and enhancing services through modern call centers and mobile registration vans.