NC总督罗伊·库珀在离任前致告别辞,重点介绍取得的成就。 NC Governor Roy Cooper gives farewell speech, highlighting achievements before leaving office.
北卡罗来纳州州长罗伊·库珀在就职的最后几天,将于星期三在纳什社区学院作告别演讲。 North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, in his final days in office, will deliver a farewell speech on Wednesday at Nash Community College. 任期已满八年的民主总督将反省他担任第75届总督的时间,强调在保健、教育、清洁能源和经济方面取得的成就。 The Democratic governor, who has served for eight years, will reflect on his time as the 75th governor, highlighting achievements in healthcare, education, clean energy, and the economy. 该演讲定于上午11时举行,中午12时在当地新闻上播放。 The speech, set for 11 a.m., will be broadcast on local news at noon.