渥太华的冰龙船节 可能会在5次取消后结束 因为缺乏冰。 Ottawa's Ice Dragon Boat Festival may end after 5 straight cancellations due to lack of ice.
由于里多运河的冰量不足,连续五次取消之后,渥太华冰龙船节将面临不确定的未来。 The Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival faces an uncertain future after five consecutive cancellations due to insufficient ice on the Rideau Canal. 2025年的活动被取消了,因为组织者无法保证所需的冰厚度。 The 2025 event was cancelled as organizers can't guarantee the required ice thickness. 音乐节的CEOJohn Brooman在没有找到替代地点的情况下 怀疑它的回报 Without finding an alternate location, the festival's CEO John Brooman doubts its return. 与会者之间丧失信任是一个重大关切问题。 The loss of trust among participants is a significant concern.