尼日利亚寻求就恐怖主义和分裂主义指控从芬兰引渡Simon Ekpa。 Nigeria seeks extradition of Simon Ekpa from Finland over terrorism and secessionist charges.
尼日利亚已请求从芬兰引渡Simon Ekpa,他是一名亲Biafran的活动分子,被控煽动恐怖主义和分裂主义活动。 Nigeria has requested the extradition of Simon Ekpa, a pro-Biafran activist accused of promoting terrorism and secessionist activities, from Finland. Ekpa于2024年11月因涉嫌煽动暴力和资助恐怖主义而被逮捕。 Ekpa was arrested in November 2024 on suspicion of inciting violence and financing terrorism. 芬兰拉赫蒂地区法院已下令对他进行还押。 The Lahti District Court in Finland has ordered his remand. 尼日利亚政府正试图让他返回, 面对指控他使用社交媒体煽动骚乱及鼓吹分裂主义计划的指控。 The Nigerian government is seeking his return to face charges related to his alleged use of social media to incite unrest and promote separatist agendas.